I am professor of computer science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. I also work at the Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana. I was previously based at the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, where from 2010-2015 I held a personal chair in foundations of computer science.
I am interested in the foundations of mathematics and computer science and in interactions between them.
Contact: Alex dot Simpson at fmf dot uni dash lj dot si
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Selected recent talks.
Selected recent papers.
An Imperative Language for Verified Exact Real-Number Computation, with Andrej Bauer and Sewon Park. (ArXiV preprint)
Equivalence and Conditional Independence in Atomic Sheaf Logic. LICS 2024. (ACM publication, LICS slides, ArXiV preprint)
Category-theoretic Structure for Independence and Conditional Independence. MFPS 2017. (ENTCS publication, preprint)
Selected lecture courses
Category Theory. Mathematics PhD course, 2022-23. (Lecture videos)
Computability Theory. Mathematics MSc course, 2022-23. (Lecture notes)